We appreciate all the support we get from both our regular and new supporters backing Phill Andrews Photography BUT your support doesn't have to stop there! We rely on our supporters to keep spreading and sharing about our team and the website. Please read below to see how you can continue to support us.
You can share our site through various means such as online(email, social networking sites etc.) and through word of mouth. We have a feature near the bottom of the site with 'Sharing is caring' - this helps makes it easier to share whatever page you'd like to share.
We completely understand about why users have some form of Adblocking addon/extension to hide those Ad's. Some sites relies on Ad's and raise some form of revenue even if it's just visible. We do our best to keep the advertisements related to the site - we ask you to please consider whitelisting our site to help keep raising revenue which helps towards the site and team members.
You can promote our logo, our team or even our website. This helps create interests towards Phill Andrews Photography and continues to spread the word about our team/website even further. Please contact Phill for further details if you wish to promote our logo or team.
We can also take on advertising whether it's our team/site or promoting your business through our website. Please be aware, depending on the kind of advert you wish to put onto our site, may not show up with those who have Adblocking features on their browsers. Please contact Oliver for further details if you wish to advertise or promote our website.
We are always looking for ways to improve or like to know how our team/website is doing - by receiving constructive feedback helps us know if we're on the right track and help our supporters even more.
If the feedback is regarding our photographers, please contact Phill or Marcus, however, if it's on the website, please contact Oliver - where we'll be happy to talk to you about the feedback received.